walk away I

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Album Cover

The topic of Album Cover was mentioned in an email earlier so I thought I'd bring it up here...

I don't think we should have definite "pictures" or "images" in our heads of what the album title should be. I don't think we should tell an artist: "Hey man, I want a purple unicorn with flames coming out of its ass" We should say something more like, I want the artwork to be mysterious and thought provoking... or I want it to make you feel calm when you view it, or scared. We should use wide-angled adjectives to help describe the feeling of the album and the mood of the cover art.

Think of all the albums you like. When you listen to Dark Side of the Moon, how do you not picture the prism on a black background. Or when I listen to Phish's Rift and Story of the Ghost - I can imagine the colors of those album cover arts in the music (blue and red respectively). Check out Band of Horses new album pictured above. Now go listen to it in the dark and tell me what you see.

1 comment:

El Guapo said...

I think it should be vivid - which is why the really basic image of the horse & th4e guy at a distance didn't do it for me.

But yeah, good point. Maybe we should just wait to hear what the tone of the album is & then match that with the artwork.

I may have Julie's friend Susan put something together - she's done some cool abstract painting. ACtually, Eddie, she's friends with your sister Katie too.