walk away I

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Possible Album Titles

Raised by the Sound
Leave no Sign
Always Something New
Brighter Side
Carried By the Song
Let it Roll
Dime Store Dreamings
Kama Sutra '79


Raised By The Sound said...

fall flat on the feet of your weary soul

El Guapo said...

All things considered (although thats also the name of an NPR radio show)...but I still like it

...I think For Memories & Alibis would not only be a great song to have the album title in it but from what I've heard of the lyrics there's some line with good imagery in there.

I think the album title & the album cover artwork need to be just as seemless in theory as the content of the music & the album title. For example if it were BRighter Side the cover would be about that phrase (sun involved or something). I also like that particular phrase b/c although some of you think that this album is depressing & overly heavy, I think that it has a 'silver lining' all over it....meaning there are tough subjects involved but much of it has hope as a theme that triumphs in the end.

Deep Thoughts,

Chris Anderson

Raised By The Sound said...

haha - yeah I agree, chris. This album definitely signifies a turning point for us. A sort of out with the bad, in with the good mentality...

Another possibility: These days are gone.

Eddie said...

I like "Dime Store Dreamings"

I also like "Tough Times Trials"

I do not like "All Things Considered"

I do not like "Take Off Your Pants and Jacket"

Raised By The Sound said...

we welcome me
we weren't there

Raised By The Sound said...

can't go back

El Guapo said...

you guys mentioned 'tough times trials' a few times but i think its a little over dramatic. i think dwelling on all the boo hoo stuff on the album could make it cheesy. the songs are good enough without having to point out that they are sad or overdoing that theme.

Raised By The Sound said...

I kinda like "raised by the sound" (you know, the name of this blog...) It connotes this idea of being brought up musically by "the sound" - collectively known as all the great music we as individuals and as a band love to listen to and play. That's what our music is... an homage to those who came before us... those who've really changed our lives.

Raised By The Sound said...

scheduling to fly a kite